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January 2009 Minutes

Lake Blackshear Homeowners Association
Minutes of Quarterly Meeting
January 13, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Bob Davis, filling in for President Linda Hardin, at 7:00 p.m.  Minutes from the last meeting were approved.  Bob reminded everyone that dues are now due.

Marcus Waters gave a report on the lake.  The water level was raised back to full pool on December 17, 2008 rather than December 15.  Permits issued for this year totaled 60 – down from previous years.  Thus far, cold weather has failed to control lake vegetation.

Re-licensing for the Power Commission, which has been on-going for six years, received an approval in November to operate for the next 30 years.

DNR – No report.

Robert Powell announced Buddy Hardin has been elected our State Representative.  Robert made a motion for buying a PA system for the LBHA, and the motion was approved.

Bob Davis introduced our guest speaker, Paul DeLoach, who is a founding member of Flint Riverkeeper, along with fellow member Spencer Lee.  The river flow has declined due to metro areas drawing water from the Flint.  Water quality is not as good as in years past due to large metro areas pollution.  Paul urged people to become involved in joining the Flint Riverkeeper organization and work to preserve the river we all love.  A website will be online in the next 2-3 months.  Email will be available to keep you informed to help keep and protect our river and lake from pollution that originates in the northern metro areas.

Bob reminded everyone our next meeting will be April 14, 2009.  There was nor further business.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Minamar Rogers

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